ISA Olympics 2018
International Students Association Olympics 2018

The purpose of the said Olympics is to have fun through playing sports and have close interactions among the international students. The said event was held at the asrama putrih or in the female dormitory. By this Olympics we can build up some connections and to how socialize to the other international students.

While playing badminton with the international students

While they are having scrabble game in English

Scrabble game in Bahasa Language 

Closing program for the ISA Olympics 2018
 In this event, I’ve learn that everybody possess a unique abilities throughout in the sports, as a member of a SEA Teacher program I’ve learned a lot in this events like socializing to other nation, its not hard to interact to other person but instead it was easy for me to communicate with them especially when you are just having fun with them I think that is the best way is to get out to your comfort zone and see the things that you can do to the other. I observed also to myself that I have no problem at all with the people of different nationalities because the important is you understand each other. 

“We have a different 
colors of skin,
languages and 
nationalities but 
the important 
is we are all

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